cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-library / Single Mail


RE: Cache in curl (edited verbose junk) please express yourself... :-)

From: Lorenzo Pastrana <>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 01:40:56 +0200

> > What cache mechanism (if ever) would you like to be added to curl?
> [x] None thanks.
> curl is not a full function general purpose browser.

Nor renders html documents.. ;)

> Nor is it a intermediate node server in the web.

Hell no! cURL is a HTTP -client- and as sutch it could provide some -client-
part of HTTP caching.

> If caching is appropriate it can best be provided by running the
> requests thru an intermediate proxy which provides the caching.

As we know proxies are double sided, a client side and a server side, this
is not the point here...

> No need to complicate this utility with this support...

The advantage of having curl managing the cache is that it could be
completely transparent.

> If a cache is provided, then it MUST be both easilly disabled

I suppose cache won't be enabled until you provide CURLOPT_CACHEFOLDER

> and provide correct answers at all times it is in use (i.e.
> every request must be validated by the appropriate rules...

That's my opinion too.

> none of this "only ask the real server once per session" type
> stuff that some unnamed gui broswers inflict upon us as defaults!).

Some could 'need' it (who knows?) and would tell curl :

> I'm not sure what you ment by "Full blown HTTP1.1 fuzzy logic"...

I said fuzzy because, if you don't validate, you never know what you are

> Peace. -njg



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Received on 2002-09-23