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Access violation in transfer.c, please help

From: Alejandro Escalante <>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 09:18:58 -0500 (CDT)

Hi everyone! I've started to use libcurl in a simple project here at the office, trying to make an ultra simple C++ class wrapper over curl_easy to perform some FTP file uploads. I believe I'm doing everything ok, but I keep getting an access violation on the following line when calling curl_easy_perform():

transfer.c (809): nread = data->set.fread(conn->upload_fromhere, 1, BUFSIZE, data->;

I'm using curl-7.9.8 on Windows 2000, MSVC 6.0, latest service pack, I think. I can provide the code for the very little class I wrote on top of curl_easy, if needed.

Please, any help will be appreciated, since I have very little time to prove I can replace some ugly code that lies around here in the office .

Thanks in advance,

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Received on 2002-08-26