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Re: get response from libcurl in curl::easy

From: Cris Bailiff <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 09:05:04 +1000

> For your (and others) pleasure, I took my first stumbling steps with the perl
> interface and while this first example isn't very fancy, it works for me:

Daniel's code has got it about right IMHO....

Georg added an internal (C/XS) version of the 'body callback', which just
collects the body in a string, like your sample. I don't know the details of
using it, but its described in the XS source (and I hope the pod file).

> We should make a wrapper to make this interface easier for perlers...

Yes, I strongly agree.

I actually proposed making the interface more perlish, and supporting OO access
around 1.1.2/3 in a quick wishlist discussion we had, but Georg preferred
keeping the interface as 'C' like as possible.

I think we should certainly wrap more of the functions and set up defaults more
cleanly for script/library use. Setting up options in the 'new' constructor would
be nice too.. Looking at this is certainly on my list for when I get a 'round


Received on 2001-09-18