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Re: Perl API

From: Sterling Hughes <>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 21:03:09 -0400

At 10:53 AM 8/4/2001 +1000, Cris Bailiff wrote:
>I do plan for an update to Curl::easy to make a more natural perl-OO style
>interface, whilst keeping the existing interface for backwards
>compatibility. It
>'almost but not quite' works with the existing setup, but I couldn't get
>it right
>quickly enough to make the release last time.
>Basically, there should be a new 'struct' which the XS can bless into a new
>'CurlOO' object, and then all the method calls would hang off that - this is
>necessary to properly support multithreading (whatever kind you're trying
>to run
>in your perl...), which would break at the moment.
>An update should move to using PerlIO throughout, rather than attempting
>to guess
>what is STDIO and what might be 'something else' - basically, the object
>always use a callback, never the raw STDIO, and the default callback
>should use
>PerlIO to 'print' to the perl STDOUT handles. This should make the XS glue
>abstract & portable as well - PerlIO deals with abstractions such as
>FastCGI and
>gzip file handles etc as well.
>The init (new) method should also set up a whole bunch of more reasonable
>defaults for a sripted/library application (progres off, verbose off,
>set upp etc. etc.)
>Anyway, I've got the plans, I just haven't had the time recently... As
>soon as I
>can find my tuit, I hope to progress.
>If anyone really intends to do a good job on this, I'd love to discuss it
>as I'm a heavy user of the perl interface, and wouldn't mind it being
>better at
>all :-)
A lot of this is done in the PHP library interface, you might want to take
a look at that, either as a cvs checkout, or via chora (ain't it purdy


>Matthew Kynaston wrote:
> >
> > > Perhaps you could donate some time and write one for
> > > us?
> >
> > Just recovering from a car accident (happened on the
> > first day of new job, put my boss in hospital!) But
> > will definitely try and make some.
> >
> > Rgds,
> >
> > Matt
> >
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Received on 2001-08-04