
PyCurl Module looking for static lib

From: Christopher Warner <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 19:56:24 -0400

Currently the python curl module looks for a static copy of the curl library
in /usr/lib on OSX. Specifically for 10.6.2 using Python 2.6.1.

Taking a look at I see the following at 99-101:

    libs = split_quoted(

        os.popen("'%s' --libs" % CURL_CONFIG).read()+\

        os.popen("'%s' --static-libs" % CURL_CONFIG).read())

Is there any reason for this and if not can the dependency on a static lib
be removed? It seems this was brought up about two years ago but nothing has
been done about it and performing a *python install* using pycurl
fails on this platform. Part of the problem it seems is that
/usr/bin/curl-config as built by Apple is referring to that static lib and
it simply doesn't exist. I'll try and report there as well.

Christopher Warner

Received on 2010-03-16