
Re: How do I install?

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 20:27:45 +0100 (CET)

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, silvia moga wrote:

> I have the following problem: I want ot use secure FTP with Python. I
> understood that cand be done with PycURL. So I installed Python and PycURL.
> But that doesn't seem to be enough because I get the "couldn't connect to
> the host" error all the time, doesn't mater what URL I choose. So I guess I
> need something more.

No, then you wouldn't even get those errors. It clearly runs, so the install
is fine. It seems you try a bad host, bad port or have a firewall that
prevents you from doing this.

> What exactly? Curl or Libcurl? I've downloaded both actually but I don't
> know how to install them.

pycurl uses libcurl.

> Extracting the files from the downloaded archives gives me some directories
> and an .exe file but that doesn't run.

The exe file is the command line tool, which pycurl doesn't use.

> It says it can't find libeay32.dll.

The SSL-enabled and libcurl requires that DLL.

      Daniel Stenberg -- --
       Dedicated custom curl help for hire:
Received on 2005-01-20