
How do I install?

From: silvia moga <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 06:57:57 -0800 (PST)

I have the following problem: I want ot use secure FTP with Python. I understood that cand be done with PycURL. So I installed Python and PycURL. But that doesn't seem to be enough because I get the "couldn't connect to the host" error all the time, doesn't mater what URL I choose. So I guess I need something more. What exactly? Curl or Libcurl? I've downloaded both actually but I don't know how to install them. Extracting the files from the downloaded archives gives me some directories and an .exe file but that doesn't run. It says it can't find libeay32.dll. To I have to extract the archives to a certain place? Where Python is for example?
I'm totally puzzled. Please help me!
Thank you!

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Received on 2005-01-20