cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-and-php / Single Mail


Re: Curl and recurring timeouts

From: David Colter <>
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 11:41:44 -0400


> How can that be explained? What might be the cause of all these timeouts?

Do these load times occur from within a browser? It could be caused by many things. Need more info.

As a side note, I recently used a cURL script to obtain info from a google search page. They were detecting what was perceived as a 'robot' and denying the page, until verified by a human. It came and went. The threshold for displaying could not be determined. They might have many 'detectors' on their sites.

> How is cUrl different than an access from a browser?

Can't answer this one.

Have you tried increasing the timeout?


Received on 2012-09-01