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freeing system resources when forgot to use curl_close

From: Bush, Noel <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 23:53:55 -0500

I wrote a small PHP script that uses curl_exec but (very stupidly)
failed to use curl_close. After leaving it running for several days, it
seems now that the script runs very slowly, even if the apache process
is restarted. I have corrected the script to use curl_close now, but
the problem persists. If I remove the part that's using curl (and try
an HTTP connection to the resource in a different way), I don't see the
problem. If I set a timeout using curl_set_opt, then I can control
execution time, but the curl session doesn't manage to return anything.

Is it possible that the resources associated with the handle I was
creating each time are "stuck" somewhere, and that I need to do
something drastic to free them up? I'm really at a loss here.

Thanks for any thoughts....


Received on 2006-12-06