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Re: [win32] php-curl does not send correct multipart/form-data

From: <>
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 13:20:40 +0200

Thank you very much, it works with php 4.2.4-dev from!

Daniel Stenberg schrieb:

>On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, wrote:
>>but if I would like to use an array like
>>$formvars["test"] = "blabla";
>>I get
>>[_POST] => Array
>>[testııııİİİİİİİİ ] => blabla
>>What the hell is ııııİİİİİİİİ ?
>That is a string without a zero termination.
>>but why? What is going wrong here? I need to use multipart/form-data
>>because I would like to transfer a binary string later on, but there is the
>>same Problem. It must have something to do with the array.
>>I don't know where to look for a solution so I asked hier, I hope you can
>>help me!
>This has already been reported to the PHP guys (as this is a problem in the
>PHP/CURL module, not in libcurl), and they have fixed it:
>It says "Fixed in CVS" on July 10 though, so I really can't tell in which
>version this works and in which it does not.
>Hope it helps.
>No, I'm not a PHP hacker.

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Received on 2002-10-10