curl FTP
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 18:57:50 +0000
Hi All,
In my application we were using shell scripts in Unix platform. Now we have changed to Linux during upgrade. Basically we are executing these shell scripts from Pega(BPM) code and after changing into Linux , encountering errors in executing the FTP commands. I understood that these FTP commands needs to be converted to curl in order to make it compatible in Linux environment.
Below is the FTP command needs to be converted to curl and its working fine in legacy Unix environment.
ftp -invs $IPFTP << EOF
mkdir $theyear
cd $theyear
mkdir $themonth
Error occurring in new Linux environment : 'FTP command not found'
Please guide me in conversion of this FTP command into Curl. My application built in pega and using shell script to move the files to ftp server. I have no idea on shell scripting(learned bit in google to understand the scripts) and I am a pega developer so please apologize me for any errors in my question.
I also tried below command to see if FTP client is able to connecting ftp server and encountering following(Not sure what does it mean):
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