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Re: curl m3u8 files (IPTV over curl socks proxy)

From: GNUser <>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2015 21:52:30 +0000

Daniel Stenberg:
> On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, GNUser wrote:
> Please note that we do not top-post on this mailing list. We try to
> first show the relevant quotes and then insert our comments below.

I'm sorry, never used a mailing-list before. I hope I am doing it
correctly now.

>> Well, yes I suppose m3u8 are list files. BUT vlc and mplayer play them
>> as multimedia.
> vlc and mplayer are video players. curl is a data transfer tool. They
> serve completely different purposes and thus they work quite
> differently. Most importantly, curl doesn't parse the contents it
> downloads. It'll just get what you ask it to get and nothing more.
> If that m3u8 file contains things you want to download, then you need to
> extract that and ask curl to get those URLs one by one.
>> So, I suppose they are possible to "read" in a way that we would
>> download a video file (like streaming). Can curl do it?
> If those file files are available using one of the protocols curl
> supports then yes.

I thought that just like curl has -L option to redirect, it would be
able to read media files in the same fashion...

>> Another option I have is rtmp links. Apparently curl supports those
>> but not always... in fact most of the rtmp links I throw at it it
>> fails to download (as in it will just stand there, counting seconds
>> and not even creating any traffic).
> That sounds like a potential bug somewhere. RTMP is not one of the most
> frequently used protocols in curl land...

Ok, so should I fill a bug report somewhere? How do I do it?
Also, what are the most common use cases for curl? Just curious.

Another questions, how do I read what other people send to this mailing
list? until now I only got my own messages and responses to my own thread.

Thanks in advance.
List admin:
Received on 2015-10-22