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Re: curl m3u8 files (IPTV over curl socks proxy)

From: GNUser <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 23:34:02 +0000


Well, yes I suppose m3u8 are list files. BUT vlc and mplayer play them
as multimedia. So, I suppose they are possible to "read" in a way that
we would download a video file (like streaming). Can curl do it?

Another option I have is rtmp links. Apparently curl supports those but
not always... in fact most of the rtmp links I throw at it it fails to
download (as in it will just stand there, counting seconds and not even
creating any traffic).

I can't try it right now, so I am unable to give more info at the
moment, but still leave this question, does anyone usually play rtmp
links over curl? How does it go?


Daniel Stenberg:
> On Tue, 20 Oct 2015, GNUser wrote:
>> I have tried
> ...
>> And it fails.
> Please elaborate on how it fails on that command line.
>> Apparently my tmeporaryfile gets filled with some links that I can't
>> get to work properly with curl.
> An "m3u8" is just a list, right? So you'd need to handle those list
> entries somehow, as curl won't automatically do that for you.
> So what does the list contain and what are you doing with that?
List admin:
Received on 2015-10-22