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How to use HTTP/2's pushing features with curl?

From: Jeroen van der Hooft <>
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 17:45:04 +0100

I have been looking into ways to use HTTP/2's pushing features, in order
to reduce the number of issued GET requests and the average perceived
delay in specific client-server implementations. The existing client
heavily relies on the use of curl to issue GET requests, and I need to
be able to reuse the current implementation. Recent versions of curl
provide support for HTTP/2, relying on the underlying nghttp2 module.
Using the existing nghttp2 server:

     nghttpd -d /var/www/html/ 3000 local.key local.crt

both nghttp and curl can be used to get an example text file's content:

     nghttp https://localhost:3000/text.txt
     This is some sample text.

     curl https://localhost:3000/text.txt -k --http2
     This is some sample text.

Using nghttp2's pushing feature however, where another text file is
pushed along:

     nghttpd -d /var/www/html/ -p/text.txt=/text2.txt 3000 local.key

curl seems not capable of dealing with the pushed resource:

     nghttp https://localhost:3000/bbb/text.txt
     This is some sample text.
     This is some sample text as well.

     curl https://localhost:3000/text.txt -k --http2 -v
     * nghttp2_session_mem_recv() returns 268
     * before_frame_send() was called
     * on_frame_send() was called
     * on_stream_close() was called, error_code = 1
     * before_frame_send() was called
     * on_frame_send() was called
     * on_stream_close() was called, error_code = 1
     * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Indeed, at server side, two resets are received for the two opened streams:

     [id=1] [331.593] recv RST_STREAM frame <length=4, flags=0x00,
     [id=1] [331.594] recv RST_STREAM frame <length=4, flags=0x00,
     [id=1] [331.594] closed

Is there a way to use curl with the HTTP/2 pushing features?

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Received on 2014-12-14