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Re: Curl error code 35 after Mac OS upgrade from Mountain Lion to Mavericks

From: Nick Zitzmann <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:58:54 -0500

On Jun 24, 2014, at 5:43 AM, Madhavi Gundeti <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am getting curl errors 35 and 28 continuously for my application after upgrading the Mac OS from Mountain Lion to Mavericks.
> If I freshly install my application on Mavericks then no SSL errors. Only during upgrades I am seeing these errors.

According to the log you're getting error -36, which is ioErr. (-35 is nsvErr, which makes no sense in this context.)

I have never seen SSLHandshake() return that error before when connecting to a TLS server. If this server is a private server, it's possible that its TLS implementation isn't compatible with Apple's Secure Transport for whatever reason. In that case, if you can reproduce the problem with the curl tool, then you should file a bug with Apple. You might have to give them access to that server as well... Apple's bug reporter is available at <>.

> I found info regarding this at below URL.
> But how to build our own curl? It will be great help if you provide some examples.

The same way you build any other product that uses Autoconf: ./configure (options) ; make -j (number of CPUs)

Then the built tool is stored in src while libcurl is stored in lib/.libs. More details can be found in docs/INSTALL.

If you have to fall back on a custom build that uses OpenSSL because Secure Transport isn't working, then you have to do what you have to do. But please file a bug with Apple if you can reproduce it with the curl tool.

Nick Zitzmann

List admin:
Received on 2014-06-25