Re: I can't launch cURL on my Windows7 PRO
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 01:29:23 -0500
On 2014-02-05 19:58, James Depaul wrote:
> I launch the curl.exe from the folder on my file system where
> installed to (i.e.
> C:\userprograms\curl\curl-7.34.0-ssl-sspi-zlib-static-bin-w32). The
> shell window launches momentarily and then it disappears.
It's a command line program, not a graphical user interface.
First open a Command Prompt, possibly as an Administrator, if you'll be
downloading to any folders which require that (Start->All
Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt icon, maybe pin to task bar, makes
life easier, CTRL-SHIFT for "Run-As Administrator" without the extra
silly right clicking and hunting for it in a menu soup).
Second, you may want that installed location in your PATH environment
variable. PATH by itself shows all environment variables.
PATH=%PATH%;C:\new\folder\here will just add the new folder to the end
(but only for this currently opened Command Prompt).
Then you can type curl by itself and it should find the curl.exe without
typing the full path. That's what the PATH environment variable is for.
When you exit the Command Prompt, the change to the environment goes
away. If you want it to persist, both across different Command Prompts,
as well as reboots, you can use the sysdm.cpl command, under Advanced
tab, at the bottom, Environment Variables.
Again with an option to specify for just the currently logged on user,
or for the entire system. By default, the PATH is set for the entire
system only, so it's in system variables. If you have a long path, that
little Edit window is just silly. CTRL-A, copy it all, edit in a text
editor ON ONE LINE ONLY, just so you can see what the heck you're
doing. Then copy the new path (with your ;C:\new\folder at the end, for
example, C:\old1;C:\old2;C:\new\folder). Semi-colon is the separator.
If you've never done it before, USE CAUTION EDITING YOUR SYSTEM PATH,
because you can really cause problems if you remove something critical
like C:\Windows (including any typos, or otherwise mangling your paths. :)
List admin:
Received on 2014-02-06