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RE: Problem using CURL behind a proxy using proxytunnel option, seemingly a bug has been introduced since version 2.27

From: <>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 12:21:21 +0000

>> I would have expected a debug version or mode to exist, having to write it
>> on the spot seems a bit excessive.
>Debugging usually involves actually doing something, yes, but I wouldn't call
>that excessive. It is very hard to figure out this problem solely based on

Obviously, but usually while developing you already add in more verbose logging capacity or something or other to facilitate debugging. And depending on how you implemented it, it's either a runtime option or a debug compile flag for example. I was simply expecting something like that.

>> However if you're willing and able to walk me through it (getting it to
>> build and telling me where to look in the code and/or getting the printfs
>> in), I'll do it.
>If you need all that help to build and add printfs, then I don't think that's
>a good way forward. Let's hope someone else can help me repeat it or can help
>debug this when they get the problem.

... All I was saying is that if I free up two or three days to work on this, I don't want to spend them just getting the thing to compile. I've never run into a piece of software that "just compiles", there's always fidgety nonsense about compiler versions, library versions, missing stuff... And I really don't want to blow my time on that, I'm sure you understand. So once again, if you can tell me use this this this and that and you're good to go then we can continue.

Also, you're assuming other people who run into this problem will actually bother to find this mailing list or some way to mention it and don't just pass up on using curl.

>> Fyi, I posted it to library. The length of the mail probably scared
>> everyone.
>You probably weren't subscribed to that mailing list so it never appeared

Indeed, I see what happened, forgot to click on the subscribe button in the confirmation link. Anyway, it should be there now to scare people.

Best regards,
List admin:
Received on 2013-09-19