cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Slow download of files

From: Michele Mor <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 13:01:25 +0400

On Windows (win 7) - using latest version of cUrl.
I've been using curl in combination with a batch file to download files from a ftp site but sometimes the download fails.

In those instances I revert to a manul process and use Filezilla.
I have noticed that Filezilla is more reliable - the downloads are not cut off by the server - and quicker.

I wonder if I can improve the reliability and performance of cUrl using some options that I am not aware of.

My current cUrl comman line is:
C:\"Program Files"\curl\curl --insecure ftps://<username>:<password>@ftpservice.<sitename>:990/data/file.txt.rar -o "C:\data\file.rar"

While in Filezilla my settings are:
Protocol: FTP- File Transfer Protocol
Encryption: require implicit FTP over TLS
Logon type: Normal

Note: I'm not too worried about donwload performance since it's an automatic process, but I am more concerned about interrupted downloads.

Thanks and regards,

List admin:
Received on 2013-09-18