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Re: Using Curl Dict to Look up place names with more than one word

From: Jeremy Nicoll - ml curl users <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:09:32 +0100 wrote:

>Gisle, Dan, and others, 8-29-13 922 am
>Greetings. When I try:
>curl dict://"d:Blowing Rock:gaz2k-places"

Maybe moving the opening quote would help, eg:

 curl "dict:// Rock:gaz2k-places"

However there's already an established way to cope with spaces in URLs, so
how about

 curl dict://

The "%20" means: the character whose ascii code is 20 (hexadecimal) ie 2 x
16 plus 0 = (decimal) 32... which is a space. You see %nn values in browser
urls quite often, for example for wikipedia pages:‎

is actually written in URL form as:

so in this case the %28 and %29 represent the opening and closing brackets.

Jeremy C B Nicoll - my opinions are my own.
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Received on 2013-08-28