cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: 'curl -M' idea

From: Dave Reisner <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 10:27:54 -0500

On Sun, Jan 06, 2013 at 04:13:59PM +0100, Gisle Vanem wrote:
> There is an overwhelming number of options in curl. So
> in order to quickly figure out an option, how about adding an option
> to "curl -M | --manual" ?
> I mean if I do "curl -M --proxytunnel" (or curl -M proxytunnel),
> curl would *only* show me the documentation of option
> "--proxytunnel"; only the paragraphs that starts with "-p,
> --proxytunnel".
> I'm not sure how we could do this best. Call an external grep tool
> with a matching command-line. I'm not grep/sed expert. Or do this
> inside curl (after any .gzip decomression if hugehelp.c was compressed).
> Maybe could produce a jump-table to these paragraphs?
> (I'm no perl expert either).
> --gv

Note that this is already possible without any modifications to curl:

man curl | less +/--proxytunnel

You can use 'n' and 'p' as expected to cycle through matches for
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Received on 2013-01-06