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Re: Metalink file placement

From: Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 23:28:06 +0900

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:01 PM, Yang Tse <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 7:59 PM, Yang Tse <> wrote:
>> I believe that no matter which path is provided along with the file
>> name in the metalink XML file the path should be stripped and file
>> placed in current subdirectory. Something similar to what we already
>> do with --remote-name option.
> Thinking a bit more over what I expressed above in quoted text, I'm
> changing my opinion on this matter to something more flexible, It
> would be better to give control to curl user and let him choose which
> behavior prefers at curl execution time.
> So first of all disregard my previous message on this matter, and let
> me express myself in a different way...
> Given that metalink internal file name is allowed to specify path and
> file name of what is going to be written locally. User would have
> greatest flexibility if some curl options would allow the following
> uses:
> 1) Allow user to remove path part.

I think this is rare but, theoretically, if path part is removed, name
parts can conflict.
For example:
  <file name="a/foo.txt>...
  <file name="b/foo.txt>...

> 2) Allow user to fully override path and name parts.

Since user cannot know how many files in Metalink file when fetching
Metalink file from remote, it is impossible to specify path and name
for each files.

> 3) Allow user to specify a path part to prefix to metalink path part.

I think this fits well in Metalink download.

Best regards,

Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa

> --
> -=[Yang]=-
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Received on 2012-06-26