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Re: curl: (52) Empty reply from server

From: Jochen Roderburg <>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 16:21:15 +0200

Zitat von Ajay <>:

> In order to recreate the situation you are facing, I deliberate made typed
> "http" in the URL, instead of "https", then I am getting the error that I
> have pasted below.
> Please check whether your web browser is filling it up as "http". If it is
> so, then it will redirect you to the following URL
> and one might assume that it is taking "https". Please try typing
> explicitly "https", i.e
> I think that it will then work.

Hmm, When I type (*not*https) in a browser, I get
the following error message back:

>> Access Denied
>> Access Denied by security policy The security policy for your
>> network prevents your request from being
>> allowed at this time. Please contact your administrator if you feel
>> this is incorrect.

Sounds as if they do not allow access to their site from everywhere.
And I have the suspicion that in this situation an attempt to connect
to the https port is just answered with the same text instead of an
SSL handshake.

Regards, J.Roderburg

List admin:
Received on 2012-05-21