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Re: upload to FTP site w/ proxy user & pass and w/ site user & pass

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 13:37:42 -0700

On Fri, Sep 02, 2011 at 11:56:20AM -0700, Eric Seubert wrote:
> I am trying upload to an FTP site that requires a username & password but I
> have to go through an HTTP proxy that requires me to enter another username &
> password.
> I posted a while back how to download using the same configuration and I have
> this line working:
> curl --proxy myproxy:80 --proxy-user proxyuser:proxypass -u siteuser:sitepass
> -o downloadedfile.txt
> So I tried modifying it to do the FTP upload, but does not work for me. Here
> is my latest attempt:
> curl --proxy myproxy:80 --proxy-user proxyuser:proxypass -T uploadedfile.txt-u
> siteuser:sitepass;
> Could someone explain where I am going wrong?

You're missing a space before the -u in the latter command, and the ); at the end
looks like garbage, but otherwise, it looks ok. What exactly does "does
not work for me" mean? An answer containing debug logs would be best.

>>> Dan
List admin:
Received on 2011-09-02