cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


curl-smtp-gmail commandline example, please?

From: Sune Ahlgren <>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 19:30:20 +0200


I've been looking all over for a Linux/UNIX command line example where an existing gmail account is used for sending an email to wherever. My own attempts keep failing.

The RFC 4409 describes what I want to do as follows:
However, SMTP is now also widely used as a message *submission*
protocol, that is, a means for Message User Agents (MUAs) to
introduce new messages into the MTA routing network. The process
that accepts message submissions from MUAs is termed a Message
Submission Agent (MSA).

So in my context curl is the MUA and gmail is the MSA.

And please, it has to be command line, no php or perl or..., command line only (I have no choice here).

Thank you very much!

List admin:
Received on 2010-10-11