Re: How can I get Directory listing with HTTP
Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 14:23:44 +0530
Thanks Jochen.
That exactly is my requirement.
Thanks once again.
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Jochen Roderburg <>wrote:
> Zitat von Avinash <>:
> Basically my requirement is to get the metadata of file pointed by HTTP
>> URL
>> and not the actual file.
>> e.g if my URL is
>> Then I do not want to download the file 6.pdf, but the metadata of 6.pdf
>> like its size, access time, modification time etc.
>> Is there any way to get all this meta-information without actually
>> downloading it ?
> Aaaah, that's now something "completely different" and can be made with
> HTTP, namely with a so-called HEAD Request. ;-)
> Size and modification time of a file are mostly part of the HEAD resposne.
> With curl: curl --head URL
> With wget: wget --server-response --spider URL
> Regards,
> J.Roderburg
-- -Avinash
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