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Re: Compile curl with SSL for the iPhone (was: Re: Compile curl with SSL on OS X)

From: Alex Bligh <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 16:13:22 +0100

--On 12 May 2010 07:42:41 -0700 ML <> wrote:

>>> I am trying to compile Curl-7.2.1 with SSL support on OS X from
>>> terminal.
>> By your compile line, you are trying to cross-compile for the iPhone. Is
>> this deliberate? (it's not in your $SUBJECT)
> Yes, actually it is deliberate, I apologize for the wrong subject.

(from other email)

> I am not sure that using MacPorts in this case would actually work given
> what I need to so.

Mixing MacPorts and crosscompiling is almost always a bad idea.

> configure: PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR will be set to
> "/Volumes/JTSM/opt/lib/pkgconfig" configure: WARNING: Use --with-ssl,
> --with-gnutls or --with-nss to address this.
> I verified that indeed libssl.a and libcrypto.a is in /opt/lib/ and I do
> indeed have a /opt/lib/pkgconfig that contains libssl.pc, libcrypto.pc
> and openssl.pc

Not sure how you have your crosscompile set up, but perhaps /opt/lib
contains an OS-X libcrypto.a, whereas /Volumes/JTSM/opt/lib/ should
contain an iPhone libcrypto.a.

Alex Bligh
List admin:
Received on 2010-05-12