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Custom OpenSSL crypto engine not known to cURL

From: Petr Pisar <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 22:15:20 +0100


I develop application using curl library that should support crypto engine.
However curl is not able to discover my engine (pkcs11).

I isolated the problem here:

$ openssl engine -t
(padlock) VIA PadLock (no-RNG, no-ACE)
     [ unavailable ]
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
     [ unavailable ]
(pkcs11) pkcs11 engine
     [ available ]

$ curl --engine list
Build-time engines:

I traced Curl_ossl_set_engine() in lib/ssluse.c and it realy gets only the two
default engines. I think I found the reason---curl does not load default
OpenSSL configuration file that resides in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf on my system
and that adds the pkcs11 engine. Simple strace confirmed it.

I found this problem in curl 7.19.6 and reproduced in 7.20.0 version either.
I use OpenSSL 0.9.8l.

So I have simple question: How can I instruct curl to load a default or any
particular OpenSSL configuration file?

-- Petr

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Received on 2010-03-09