Re: Colon in usernames
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2009 10:33:53 +0100 (CET)
On Wed, 2 Dec 2009, Thomas Langstadlinger wrote:
> The problem is that a colon is the separator for username:password.
> For instance:
> User = sip:username_at_domain
> Pass = secret12345
Yeah, that was an unfortunate choice of separator. I'm the one to blame for
The good news first:
1 - libcurl offers separated options that thus work entirely without any
separator and thus allows basically all letters with ease.
2 - a work-around way is to provide the username and password as part of the
URL as in http://user:password@host/path as then they need to be url
encoded and thus you must url encode the colon that is part of the user
name and then you avoid this problem
The bad news:
libcurl provides separated username/password options but the curl tool does
not so 1) isn't providing a solution for curl users, only 2) does. We can
of course rather easily extend curl to support the separate options but
nobody has yet stepped forward to actually do it.
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