cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


The results of your email commands

From: <>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 09:55:08 +0100

The results of your email command are provided below. Attached is your
original message.

- Unprocessed:
    Get a Ba, Bs,Ma, Ms+ Phd in just 5-6 weeks based on your professional experience
    Phone us 1-215- 602-2419
    Drop a msg with your Fullname, contact number and the Degree you are intersted in.

- Done.

attached mail follows:

Back in times when you were starting out a degree was not needed but now? is it a WANT
Get a Ba, Bs,Ma, Ms+ Phd in just 5-6 weeks based on your professional experience

Phone us 1-215- 602-2419

Drop a msg with your Fullname, contact number and the Degree you are intersted in.
Received on 2009-11-04