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Re: Curl - FTP wilt --local-port option

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 22:41:38 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, P Chaitra-A15829 wrote:

> We are trying to use curl (version 7.19.2) for FTP with --local-port option
> but it is not working. It fails with the following error. I checked on the
> web for similar posting but found the answer as its been fixed. But it is
> not working with this version atleast. I think the latest version is 7.19.4
> and I checked the fixes in that release but found nothing related to local
> port issue so assumed that its been fixed in the prior releases itself.

7.19.5 is the latest, and I would really urge you to TEST that version and see
if the bug is still present rather than trying to figure that out based on

> We are blocked in our project due to this.

Congratualtions, you're using curl in a (presumably commercial) project while
this is spare time for me (even vacation atm). If you really want this fixed
and worked on quickly, I suggest you seek up someone that can do the work for
you quickly, and you pay that person to do it. We always welcome bugfixes,
from whoever it is.

> Appreciate if someone can let us know if it works .. Even with range of
> local-ports option we get the same error...

I'm quite sure you need to use a range for FTP since it creates _two_
connections always so it can't be told you use only one port.

I know this at least used to work, and I've not seen any reports about this
not working!

List admin:
Received on 2009-07-21