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Re: How to enable SFTP with curl 7.19.2 on UNIX

From: Dong Zhou <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:53:34 -0400

Daniel, thanks for the response. I downloaded libssh2 but had trouble to
compile it on AIX. I posted a question at the libssh2 list server to see
if someone can me. The question I posted is as follows:

…. I downloaded libssh2-1.0.tar.gz but had problems to compile with make
(configure ran fine), below is the error message:

"Makefile", line 687: make: 1254-055 Dependency line needs colon or double
colon operator.

"Makefile", line 688: make: 1254-055 Dependency line needs colon or double
colon operator.

make: 1254-058 Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue.

Here are the line 687 and after in Makefile:

find $(distdir) -name "*.dist" -exec rm {} \;

        (distit=`find $(srcdir) -name "*.dist"`; \

        for file in $$distit; do \

          strip=`echo $$file | sed -e s/^$(srcdir)// -e s/\.dist//`; \

          cp $$file $(distdir)$$strip; \


Daniel, your further suggestions is welcome!!! And how do I include
associated headers?

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 1:42 PM, Daniel Stenberg <> wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009, Dong Zhou wrote:
> I donwloaded curl source file, curl-7.19.2..tar.gz, from and
>> complied it on AIX 5.3. FTP works fine but SFTP does not. I got an error
>> message as below:
>> * Protocol sftp not supported or disabled in libcurl
>> curl: (1) Protocol sftp not supported or disabled in libcurl
>> How can I enable SFTP?
> First install libssh2 and associated headers, then run curl's configure
> script again, possibly using --with-libssh2 and rebuild.
> is the home of the libssh2 project.
> --
> /
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Received on 2009-03-11