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re: Trying to compile ssh2

From: Honey Dont <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 18:38:53 -0800 (PST)

--- On Fri, 2/27/09, Honey Dont <> wrote:
> Hello there. I've been using Andrei Jakab's pdf
> manual "Using-libcurl-with-SSH-support-in-Visual-Studio-2008.pdf.

Just thought I should report back. This guide by Mr. Jakab is spot on. I went though some confusion, but once things dawned on me, I was able to sort it out just fine.

> The ifdef condition these
> defines exist in has changed from _MSC_VER to #if _MSC_VER
> < 1500.

In case someone decides to follow this thread, I need to correct my comment. I misread this code. _MSC_VER<1500 stmt does NOT encapsulate the ssize_t and uint32_t defines.

> It shows that libssh2_lib compiled fine. Then, at line
> 40, it tries to compile libssh2_dll. This confuses me since
> I thought this was a static build, but anyway, I get the
> same error for the same line of code 16 times:
> Cannot open include file: 'openssl/opensslconf.h':
> No such file or directory

I simply didn't not realize that the compiler settings were applied to only of the three projects. The library itself. That was all we need to compile for this. So, the compile was successful.

So, I really hope I didn't waste anybody's time. The sample test compiled well, but I was unable to test it since I don't have an ssh server to upload to.

However, I now have several folders on my drive and I suspect I could get rid of couple of them. Since I have the curl library and includes in the Projects folder, do I still need the curl-7.19.3 folder? How about the libssh2 folder? Is that expendable or do I need to keep it?

Sorry, I don't know enough about these technologies, I wanted this functionality in case I need it down the road.

Thanks again. Great work Andrei.

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Received on 2009-02-28