Difficulty in using curl
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 2009 19:38:05 +0530
i am using curl command line i am not much proficient in c or
c++ i converted command line curl into a static library with both
libcurl and curl statically linked with msvcrt and defined a new
function "MyFunc" with the same prototype of int main in main.c. when
i use this static curl in my application and use MyFunc for
downloading a file either sequentially or multithreaded, the first
file downloads fine but then the library gets into an infinite loop in
the function "static struct curl_slist *slist_get_last(struct
curl_slist *list)" in sendf.c where item->next point to the same item
as item itself. also sometimes memory corruption is present.i cant
figure out what is wrong, please help.
am using VS 2005 SP1 for building both curl static lib and libcurl
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Received on 2009-01-01