Re: Using cURL to Retrieve BugIDs from Cisco's Web Site
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 16:21:13 -0700
On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 05:42:10PM -0500, Josh Anderson wrote:
> I am trying to retrieve BugID pages from Cisco's Web Site. For some
> reason, I am having trouble logging into the site to retrieve a link
> such as:
> Here is the current iteration I am using (I've tried numerious variations):
> curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -L -k -d
> "USER=usernamehere&PASSWORD=passwordhere&target="
> ""
> ""
> All I get is the login page two times. I'm sure I am way off here, but
> if anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
The line above is going to cause two POSTs to occur with the same
data--one to the login page and one to the bug page. You probably
need different data on both POSTs--one to log in and one to do the
retrieval. You also may need to do a GET on the login page first to
obtain a cookie before doing anything else.
>>> Dan
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