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Re: how to ignore headers

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 14:22:00 -0700

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 02:03:26AM +0530, Siddharth Prakash Singh wrote:
> I am trying to download files in part using --range option.
> Actually I am behind a proxy server and the proxy restricts file size download
> limit to 200 MB
> so I am using curl to download files in parts and then integrating them by cat.
> Now the problem is .. I am not able to download the first byte, because when I
> specify the range as 0-x where x is within download limit.. I get a header
> file.. generated by proxy server describing the big file size error.
> But when I specify the range like 1-x, I am able to download the file ...
> Then the big question is how can I download the first byte ??
> Please help

You'll have to figure out how exactly (i.e what headers it uses) that
the proxy restricts large downloads. It could be that it always prevents
retrieval of the first byte of a large file, as a way to discourage
downloads, in which case you're probably out of luck. But it seems odd that
it would work this way, which implies that perhaps the size restriction
wasn't properly implemented in the proxy.

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-08-18