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Re: curl hangs after EPSV

From: Dan Fandrich <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 16:26:33 -0700

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 06:01:09PM -0500, Terra Frost wrote:
> I'm trying to use curl to upload to a Windows FTP server and am having some
> difficulty.

What version of curl?

> Here's the command I'm using:
> curl -T filename.ext -u username:password -m 10
> When I do this from another computer (say, I get a timeout error.
> As both the FTP server (FileZilla server) and Wireshark reveal, curl is
> connecting to the FTP server. It sends the login info, does PWD, then EPSV,
> and then hangs. Right before it's about to disconnect, it sends PASV. So if
> the -m parameter were 5, it'd send PASV 5 seconds after everything else and
> then disconnect. If the -m parameter was 10, it'd send PASV 10 seconds after
> everything else and then disconnect.
> If I omit the -m parameter, PASV gets sent 21 seconds after everything else and
> then the connection is immediately closed.

This description leaves out some valuable information. Can you instead send
a log of the transfer (use -v or --trace-ascii)?

> I'm able to connect via FlashFXP without any problems. One thing I noticed
> when doing this is that FlashFXP never sends EPSV. I tried disabling that with
> the --disable-epsv flag, but that didn't help. I tried --ftp-pasv and
> --ftp-skip-pasv-ip, too, to no avail.
> When I try to do it from the same computer (, however, it works.
> PASV is never sent and the test file I'm trying to upload is uploaded.

Could it be a firewall blocking the data connection?

>>> Dan

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Received on 2008-06-20