Re: Empty file received at remote site
Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 11:52:55 -0700
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 02:37:46PM -0400, Martineau, Luc wrote:
> When the transfert is finished, I have these line in trace file
> == Info: FTP response timeout
> == Info: control connection looks dead
> == Info: Closing connection #0
> At the remote site, they received an empty file.
> I've tried also to use cURL on cygwin to tranfert the same file to the
> same server and I've got the same behavior.
> I've tried with another ftps client (windows) and the file is
> transmitted with the data.
> Here's the command line used :
> curl --use-ascii --disable-epsv --ftp-ssl-control --crlf --ftp-pasv
> --cacert cacert_pem.htm --trace-asci trace.txt --show-error
> --upload-file local_file.txt -u "username:password"
> ftps://remote_server:990/remote_file.txt
It might be that the data connection is expected to be encrypted by the
server; try it without the --ftp-ssl-control option. Better yet, if the
FTP server supports it, is to use a ftp:// URL and the --ftp-ssl option
to let the client and server negotiate the proper encryption types. How
long does the transfer take? If it takes a while and you're going through
a NAT, the control connection could be dropped. Try the --ftp-ssl-ccc
or --keepalive-time options to try to get around that.
>>> Dan
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