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can i use Lib curl for DaVinci processors of TI?

From: zuber <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 23:23:02 +0530

Hi all,


I am developing an application for the file transfer on HTTP/FTP server
using LibCurl.


I am able to transfer the file when I work with Red hat Linux but now

I wanted to run this application on TI's DaVinci processor (It's a dual core
processor ARM+DSP).

And for this ARM core I am using Monta Vista Linux 4.0.


I want to know whether I can use the LibCurl 7.17.1 for this processor or


I have tried to cross compile this library as per the INSTALL document.

The script which I have used to cross compile is:


export PATH=$PATH:/opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/bin

export CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/montavista/pro/devkit/arm/v5t_le/target/usr/include"

export AR=arm_v5t_le-ar

export AS=arm_v5t_le-as

export LD=arm_v5t_le-ld

export RANLIB=arm_v5t_le-ranlib

export CC=arm_v5t_le-gcc

export NM=arm_v5t_le-nm


./configure --target=arm-redhat-linux --host=arm-redhat-linux
--build=arm_v5t_le --without-random --disable-shared


Is there any mistake in this script or am I missing something because when I
run my application on this Processor I am getting "cannot execute binary
file" error?


Has anybody tried to run this library on such processor?




Zuber Saiyed


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Received on 2008-01-17