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Newbie question

From: Ye, Wilson <>
Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 17:00:14 -0800

I trying to get this web login page working but seem to have encountered
a problem but I can not seem to resolve the problem. Here's two format
of passing the login and password to the login page using two different
curl -d user=Nexx&password=Mu%244@%40p91&switch=Login%40In
curl -F "user=Nexx" -F "password=Mu$V_at_p91" -F "switch=Login In"
NOTE: I have the a secure login web page.
1. Using the two different methods, are these correct and if not, can
you let me know what is specifically wrong I'm doing?
2. Also, how can I determine if I'm getting the correct result base on
the output generated by the trace?
BTW: It seems to be easy but it seems I'm missing a step or another
parameter or something I'm trying to point down.
Please let me know.

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