Re: Troubles with the POST method
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 16:50:10 +0100
Michel Hua wrote:
> I read the 4.2 section of that documentation
> <> for that, but I wasn't able
> to have the same results as doing it "with hands".
You probably missed the chapter "10. Cookies"
> This following command :
> curl -d
> "action=recherche&sn=&pseudo=&groupe=&residence=&givenname=&promo=&roomnumber=f104&geniegtrois=&departement=centrale"
> | tail --lines=50
> doesn't give what I expected, there's nothing between the <div
> id="resultats"></div> tags.
try to
1. get the cookie, e.g.
curl --cookie-jar eleves
2. use it, e.g.
curl --cookie eleves -d [...same as your line above...]
Received on 2007-11-14