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Implementing downloaded Win32 curl Binary & libcurl

From: <>
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 11:02:24 +0000

I was hoping to query the output of a local web application on my Windows
machine, using curl.
I downloaded Daniel Sternberg's WIN32 curl binary (7.16.4) plus the
libcurl (7.16.4).
The README document (in both packages) refer to a document called INSTALL
which I can't find.
I assume that either/both of the dlls in the \libcurl-7.16.4\lib\
folder should go in my /WINNT\Sytem32 folder.
I am wondering if the curl application file should also go in the
\WINNT\Sytem32 folder [ it is included in the PATH for my shell (DOS
window) ]
I don't really know what I'm doing but I can usually figure out

Can anybody help?
Received on 2007-09-28