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Getting Couldn't resolve host error from Curl

From: Pokala Prabhakar - R&D <>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 11:59:45 +0800

   Please help me in resolving the following issue:

I am using Curl (version 7.16.1) in my application to connect to the specific host URL.
It is working fine in normal case.
But it is giving the error "Couldn't resolve host ..." once the ip address range is changed in the router configuration.
I need to reboot my device to get it work. It is not working with out rebooting the device even though dhcp client run on the device and gets the new ip details.

And one more thing, I can ping to the URL successfully ( with the "ping" command) from the device.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
Received on 2007-08-02