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Using a smartcard and PIN

From: Don MacLeod <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2007 12:58:33 -0400

I need help using cURL to access a web page that requires a smartcard and
PIN. I am using Mac OS 10.4.10. I can use the smartcard if I access the
site via a browser -- Safari of FireFox, but cannot do it with cURL (or
anything else) from the command line. On the other hand, I can use cURL from
the command line to access an HTTPS site that is password protected because
I exported certificates to .pem file from the system Keychain utility
(Apple's keystore).

Ideally I would like to say something like
  curl --cacert <cert file> --url -u <id>:<password>
--PIN <myPINcode> <smartcard options>

With possibly an additional option for the smartcard engine

Then, I would want to get the links form the page and download each of the
linked files that meet certain criteria.

Apple's Automator has built actions to build a workflow that can access a
smartcard site (I think it uses cURL to do this) and download files but does
handle the password part. I can use the command line to supply the id and
password but cannot handle the smart card part.

So, can someone put it all together?

And .. Is there a cURL Cookbook?

Don MacLeod
Received on 2007-07-02