cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: Curl-problems

From: Alessandro Vesely <>
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 14:45:24 +0200

Olav Håkon Mork wrote:
> We use curl internally to download PDF-files from our server. Yesterday
> we suddenly got this errormessage from curl:
> "curl: (7) Failed to connect to The specified module
> was not found" (The last part of the message is translated from
> Norwegian and is probably a windows system call message)
> Downloading the PDF-files with Internet Explorer or Firefox works!
> Using Curl from PC's with no Windows Updates from the last days works.

The message implies the connect() function failed. Curl loads WS2_32.DLL
programmatically, in turn that module depends on some other modules
and it may load that only on demand, e.g. MSWSOCK.DLL, hnetcfg.dll, ...

If you have the dependency walker, ,
run the curl command inside it (i.e. profile curl.exe) to get more info
about the dependency chains: knowing which module was not found should
shred some light on that.

Perhaps the update didn't fully work, or it broke a previously installed
TCP/IP stack. As other programs are apparently able to connect, perhaps
a dll has been moved out of the PATH that curl uses.
Received on 2007-06-18