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Re: Download does not resume after network connection is restored.

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 10:18:30 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Madhavan Sivathanu pillai wrote:

> > What operating system are you using and exactly how do you reproduce this
> > problem?
> we are on a process of downloading a file from a remote server.
> While downloading the file,we pulled the ethernet cable off....
> this disrupts the download as curl stops the transfer.

Now you say it stops the transfer, previously you said it did "loop
infinitely". Are both describing the same thing?

If it hangs, can you strace it or attach gdb to it or something and see
exactly what happens internally?

> I am new to curl and am looking at the code which was implemented into our
> system by some one else.I would appreciate if any of you could help me with
> this issue.

This is a free and open list and we do voluntary unpaid support here, if you
need professional/commercial/fast support I suggest you consider buying it.

That said, I'll try to answer to questions here and help out as far as I can
and have time.

  Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support:
Received on 2007-06-05