posting regular data file with --data
From: Ed S. Peschko <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 15:33:11 -0700
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2007 15:33:11 -0700
hey all,
I've been trying to do a regular post using the '--data' option to curl.
Since the data I'm posting is relatively large, and contains newlines, I'd
like to be able to use the '<' option, as in
curl --data '<myfile'
but this does not work.. Is there a specific reason why -F 'name=<file'
works and why the above does not?
(ps - is there any specific trick to curl in order to make a SOAP call? I've tried:
curl --header 'Content-Type: text/xml' --data '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope..?...xml_string../SOAP-ENV:Envelope>'
without luck... is there something more to it than this? An example would be *very* helpful..
Received on 2007-03-23