cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


dealing with 302 errors

From: Ed S. Peschko <>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 02:06:35 -0700

sorry about the repost in advance, but I see that the 
subject got mangled the first time out.
I'm having extreme difficulties getting around a certain very annoying habit that
my proxy has in connecting to the outside world.
I'm getting consistent 302 errors, redirecting me to a given internally driven
website. Curl does not successfully follow the proxy to the outside location, but 
complains about a 302 error and dies. I've tried pretty much everything (cookies
included) but nothing works. 
Any way around this would be GREATLY appreciated. If I could do it with one curl
command, that would be the best, but if there was a way to do multiple curl commands
to emulate getting around a 302, I guess that would be good as well. 
(I am so sick and tired of asking for my company admins to put holes in the damn 
firewall just to get around something that works perfectly well with a browser!)
(ps - when I leave the proxy off the command, I get a (56) proxy CONNECT aborted 
error instead. I thought for a second that this was my way through because it 
had worked in the past, but for some reason, these 56 errors started cropping up.
What does a 56 Proxy connect aborted error mean?
Received on 2007-03-14