cURL / Mailing Lists / curl-users / Single Mail


Re: bug in 7.16.0 (must downgrade to 7.15.4)

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 18:21:10 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 26 Nov 2006, Sebastien WILLEMIJNS wrote:

> - when i use curl.exe in package i can not download
> files i want at his full size... it stops between transfers after a few
> second (13% for the first transfer and 68% for the second transfer in the
> screenshot, these values changes at any try i do 14 and 83% in another
> try...)

And what response headers do you get? Do you see this problem with other URLs?

Do you have any clues at all what happens at the point around where it stops
or similar? What if you use -v or --trace, do they reveal anything?

I'm not aware of any recent changes in the plain HTTP transfer code that would
affect this. Hm, except of course for the speed limit logic. Can you please
try and see if this still happens if you don't use --limit-rate?

> - when i use curl.exe in package in the same batch i
> can normally download files....

And what about 7.15.5?

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Received on 2006-11-26