Re: curl_off_t configure weirdness...
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:57:34 +0200 (CEST)
On Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Christian Melki wrote:
> Im trying to configure curl 7.15.4 with optional include and linkpaths as
> LDFLAGS and CFLAGS.. nothing strange about that.. but the configure fails at
> curl_off_t. I have seen users ask about this error before.. and this is my
> take on the weirdness..
Every single time I have seen configure fail to detect the size of curl_off_t,
it is because that check is the first check configure does when it actually
builds and run an executable, so that's what happens when there's a bad lib
> Input to configure:
> REFIX=/opt/nano; BUILD_ROOT=/opt/nano
> CFLAGS="-I. -I$BUILD_ROOT/include"
> configure line:
> ./configure --prefix=/opt/nano --disable-static --with-zlib=/opt/nano/lib
--with-zlib should point to the install root, not to the lib dir
> --with-libidn=/opt/nano/lib
--with-libidn should point to the install root, not to the lib dir
> --with-ssl=/opt/nano/lib
--with-ssl should point to the install root, not to the lib dir
> obviously NOT missing.. in -L/opt/nano/lib.. which is ONE of the -L
> paths.. but where to the other come from?
From all the options you've used to point out existing installations of
related libs.
> i have not entered any of them..
No explicitly, no, but configure of course needs to use them to be able to use
those libs.
> configure seems to be screwing up -I and -L paths for some reason...
I don't think it does. I think this is mostly due to bad input.
> eh.. opt/nano/lib/include/openssl? what? opt/nano/lib/lib?!
Yeps, as you should point out the "install root" for the libs, configure
appends lib or even "include/openssl" to the given path to find certain files.
> anyone? im thinking some of the ppls configure errors are the result of a
> screwed configure.. anyone else that has any idea?
The source is there. Feel free to point out exactly where it is "screwed".
-- Commercial curl and libcurl Technical Support: on 2006-09-28