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Re: Launch a shell command from ftp

From: <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 12:40:18 +0000

>From: Daniel Stenberg <>
>Date: 2006-05-30
>On Tue, 30 May 2006, wrote:

>> ftp>!command (used to run local commands)
>That runs a local command in the client's computer, not in the server side.

Yes i know that it s a client side command and i was asking if there is a
way to the same with LibCurl. Reading about in Internet the only thing
that i have understood is that i only can use command that are specified
on the SITE command.

The situation is this:
there is a system (S1) that upload files using a Libcurl (with a "c"
utlity) to another system (S2).
They are different betwen them and i would like do this operation:
1. - S1 upload file in S2
2. - S1 tell ( "in ftp way") to run a S2 command to that file
3. - S1 get back the processed file

Till now im using system('ssh S2 command') call but i prefer do it in
the way that just i was showing because ll be more performant.
Received on 2006-05-30